Khởi tạo ngày: 01-01-0001 Có Tổng số: 8 tài liệu | Xem: 16692 | Download: 0
The small business world is evolving. Competition, the emergence of the Internet, and mergers and acquisitions (not to mention the recession) have forced small businesses to rethink their marketing strategies.
Cha giàu cha nghèo - Rich Dad Poor Dad
Cha giàu cha nghèo - Bạn sẽ làm gì khi được cả hai người cha truyền dạy cho mình về chủ đề tiền bạc và sự lựa chọn cách sống trong đời. Một người là bố ruột, còn người kia là bố người bạn thân nhất. Một người có nền học vấn rất cao trong khi người kia chỉ học tới trung học, nhưng cả hai đều thành công trong sự nghiệp và có ảnh hưởng đến người khác.
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Customer Relationship Management - CRM McGraw Hill
In one sense, managing customer relationships is as old as the hills. Kristin Anderson’s grandfather operated a grain elevator in a small town in Minnesota. Carl T. Anderson knew every farmer by name. These were his customers ... and his neigh- bors. He knew the names of their families, where they went to church, and whether they or their parents...
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What Business Leaders Can Learn from the World of Rock and Roll
What can business leaders learn from rock and roll? It’s a question that appears simple, yet it proved to be extraordinarily complex. The answer started as one that was entertaining (to us, and we hope to you), yet it yielded highly educational principles.
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The Intelligent Investor_investing - Benjamin Graham
To invest successfully over a lifetime does not require a strato- spheric IQ, unusual business insights, or inside information. What’s needed is a sound intellectual framework for making deci- sions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that frame- work. This book precisely and clearly prescribes the proper framework. You must supply the...
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From the ancient times to current day - stories continue to hold readers and listeners spellbound. There is nothing better than a good story. It works almost like magic. You can give people information and motivate using stories without having the barriers that come up normally. This is a seldom used copywriting technique that work wonders for your...
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While creating a growth business can be exhilarating, many entrepreneurs—especially those starting a company for the first time—donʼt pay enough attention to some core issues surrounding the financial management of their businesses
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How To Write A Business Plan - Nolo
Here is a book designed to help you write a first-rate business plan and loan application. How to Write a Business Plan contains detailed forms and step-by-step instructions designed to help you prepare a well-thought-out, well-organized plan. It shows you how to apply proven financial and business planning techniques usedby traditional lenders and...
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David Frey - The Small Business Marketing Bible 2003 (312 Pages)
The small business world is evolving. Competition, the emergence of the Internet, and mergers and acquisitions (not to mention the recession) have forced small businesses to rethink their marketing strategies
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