Harvard Business Review - What Is Strategy - Michael Porter
Harvard Business Review - What Is Strategy - Michael Porter
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80+ Business books - Phần 4
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Harvard Business Review - The 5 Stages Of Small Business Growth
Harvard Business Review - The 5 Stages Of Small Business Growth
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80+ Business books - Phần 3
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Harvard Business Review - How information gives you competitive advantage - Michael Porter
Harvard Business Review - How information gives you competitive advantage - Michael Porter
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80+ Business books - Phần 3
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Five-Minute Mba In Corporate Finance
To be successful, a company must meet its first goal—the identification, creation, and delivery of highly valued products and services. This requires that it possess all three ofthekeyattributes.Therefore,it’snotsurprisingthatmostofyourMBAcoursesare directly related to these attributes. For example, courses in economics, communica- tion, strategy,...
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80+ Business books - Phần 3
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Finance, Investment, Stock, Trading - Soros Unauthorized Biography
Settled back in his high, leather chair behind an oval desk, George Soros gazed out the large windows to the left, taking in the breathtak- ing view of Central Park and the rush-hour activity some thirty-three floors below. He was thrilled to be once again part of The Game.
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80+ Business books - Phần 3
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Finance Management Project Strategic - Handbook for small business
Finance Management Project Strategic - Handbook for small business
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80+ Business books - Phần 3
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Finance Investments 5th Ed - Z Bodie, A Kane & A J Marcus (McGraw-Hill)
We wrote the first edition of this textbook more than ten years ago. The intervening years have been a period of rapid and profound change in the investments industry. This is due in part to an abundance of newly designed securities, in part to the creation of new trading strategies that would have been impossible without concurrent advances in...
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80+ Business books - Phần 3
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Kinh doanh và thuật phong thủy
phong thuy, thuật phong thủy trong kinh doanh
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Kinh doanh và thuật phong thủy
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Finance Investment - Trump Strategies for Real Estate
In 1955, one of my clients asked me to draft a commercial lease for him even though he was to be the tenant. Usually, the landlord’s at- torney drafts the lease, but in this case the landlord told my client to have his lawyer prepare the lease. So I drew up the lease and inserted a provision stating that the tenant didn’t have to pay any rent...
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Finance Investment - The Global Money Markets
The money market is traditionally defined as the market for financial assets that have original maturities of one year or less. In essence, it is the market for short-term debt instruments. Financial assets traded in this market include such instruments as U.S. Treasury bills, commercial paper, some medium-term notes, bankers acceptances, federal...
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