Learn the Principles of Business Writing
Having grown up in a multicultural and multilingual environment, language has always been the best way for me to make sense of myself and the world. I love the raw power, elegance and versatility of language, and not a day goes by in which I don’t play or work with words. Looking back, it seems only natural that my passion has become my profession.
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80+ Business books - Phần 5
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Giáo trình phân tích kinh doanh trình các khái niệm liên quan đến công việc kinh doanh và đưa ra những giải pháp cụ thể trong từng trượng hợp.
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Giáo trình phân tích kinh doanh
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Katz & McCormick 2000 The Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies
Katz & McCormick 2000 The Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies - The Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies is for traders who want to take the next step to consistently profitable trading. The authors--themselves seasoned veterans of the futures trading arena--pinpoint the trading methods and strategies that have been shown to produce market-beating...
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80+ Business books - Phần 5
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Kaplan Professional - Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor - 2003
Kaplan Professional - Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor - 2003 - America's real estate market remained robust even during the recession of 2001-2002, and demand is expected to increase. Research reveals that consumers are jumping on the real estate bandwagon like never before, both as investors and as homebuyers. Financing is...
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80+ Business books - Phần 5
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Kaplan - The Business Start Up Kit
Kaplan - The Business Start Up Kit - Steven D. Strauss, one of the nation’s foremost authorities on small business, has developed an easy-to-read compendium of everything an aspiring entrepreneur needs to start and succeed in business. He explains what works, and what doesn’t, while giving entrepreneurs scores of tips and hints.
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80+ Business books - Phần 5
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Just 1% The Power of Microtrends
Just 1% of people can create a new market for business, spark a social movement, or effect a political change. Here, Penn (one of the world’s most highly regarded pollster) and Zalesne (social-change expert) introduce you to this compelling idea of microtrends, and their assertion that the culture is formed by the push and pull of small trends that...
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80+ Business books - Phần 5
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Giáo trình lập kế hoạch kinh doanh
Bạn muốn thành công trong thương trường. Bạn cần có kỹ năng lập kế hoạch trong kinh doanh. Tài liệu này sẽ giúp bạn làm điều đó
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Lập kế hoạch kinh doanh
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John Wiley & Sons - The 7 Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth - 2005
John Wiley & Sons - The 7 Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth - 2005 - Starting a small business and making it a success isn’t easy. In fact, most small business owners don’t get rich and many fail. This book presents the straight truth on small business success. It doesn’t offer cure-alls for every small business. Instead, it outlines real,...
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80+ Business books - Phần 5
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Phân tích báo cáo tài chính DN
báo cáo, tài liệu, doanh nghiệp, kinh doanh
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Giáo trình tài chính doanh nghiệp
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Insider's Guide to Trading the World's Stock Markets
Insider's Guide to Trading the World's Stock Markets - The stock market is no longer a members only field game of stockbrokers playing the market. Like so many other industries, the Internet has changed the market and the way we do business. With the click of a button, the average individual now has access to the same information and facts that...
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80+ Business books - Phần 4
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